The lovely couple in the picture here are the Cardinals and today is their 2 year anniversary. Don't they look spiffy? I love this picture of them...it's from their wedding day. That's right, they're riding a bicycle built for two. The Freedles wish them a very happy anniversary and hope that they are out celebrating two great years of marriage.
This past week was picture week and since I did not have to rush off to work that morning I was able to spend some time on Kira's hair and make sure that both of the kids looked presentable. We should be getting their pictures back within the next few weeks. Both of the kids are excited about getting their report cards next week. Isn't that great? I love that they are both so smart and that they really love school.
Kash is finally starting to sleep for longer periods and has kind of fallen into a regular sleep schedule. He usually sleeps from about 10:00pm-3:00am and then wakes up again at around 5:30. It's been really awesome because I feel pretty refreshed after getting that much sleep each night! I really hope I didn't just jinx myself...