We surprised Kurgan with our gift and it was pretty tricky of us if I do say so myself...
I had the kids with me because we were running around all day doing things that the birthday boy wanted to do and some errands that I had to get done too. We went to the mall to get Kurgan a replacement Ipod for the one that he accidentally ran through the washer and dryer. He used most of his birthday money to buy it but it was something that he has been talking about getting since it went through the wash several months ago. Lee got off of work and prepared Kurgan's room and then we came into the house and Lee started off by telling Kurgan how he didn't agree with me for allowing Kurgan to get another Ipod and that if he wanted to put music on it he would not be allowed to use our computers and would need to ask his grandma for the use of her computer. We sent the kids to their rooms so we could talk but I ran and grabbed the camera to take this picture of the birthday boy and his new computer! He was so surprised and it made us really happy.
Here is a picture of the kids the morning of picture day at school. I thought they both looked really great.
I will mail out pictures to everyone once I get them back from the school. Lee is in the middle of his rotation right now and has a lot of projects that he has to work on. I don't envy him but I have my own homework to do, although mine is much easier! I don't know when it happened, it seems it was overnight but it cooled down and I think it's officially autumn! This is my favorite season and hopefully I will be able to travel up north at some point to see the leaves change.
Speaking of traveling, my best friend Leah is moving from California to Washington for a wonderful job opportunity. I'm very excited for her and I'm also thrilled because that means that I will have an excuse to go to Seattle and see her and the spa where she will be an associate director! Did I hear someone say free spa treatments?!
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