District Spelling Bee
It started out with 64 people. Only sixteen of them would survive. Would I be one of them?I thought. The district spelling bee did this to people. I was waiting for the spelling bee to start. Finally, I heard the announcer over the microphone. "The district spelling bee will now begin." I was number 62 Every round, there were less and less people. I never knew I would be one of the last fifteen people. Finally, there was a long pause between two rounds. It gave me just enough time to count how many people remained. One....ten...twelve....No way I thought. "There are fifteen spellers left," I thought as the announcer said it. I was going on to the regionals. But the spelling bee wasn't over yet. There were still five trophies to give out to the top five spellers. Occasionally, one or two people would get out. Then, we got into the advanced words. Everyone got out in that round except for two people,(neither of which were me). After they were done spelling off, all of the spellers that got out in the advanced round came back in. After a few rounds, it was finally down to five people, one of which was me. I spelled my word right. The person that spelled right after me spelled their word wrong. Four people. Finally, the last person to go up spelled their word wrong. I was one of the people who would get a trophy. I was so happy. 5th, 4th, or 3rd, 3rd being the biggest. The last three who were left standing were me, another boy, and a girl. The other boy spelled a word wrong. I would either get 3rd or 4th. The girl and I didn't spell a word wrong for a good 5 minutes. But, alas, I spelled bureaucracy wrong. I spelled it bureacracy.I finished in fourth place and got a nice 4th place trophy . After that we went to my favorite restaurant, Macayos!
1 comment:
Oh the drama! I wish I could have been there to cheer you on Kurgan. Nice work!
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