Friday, May 8, 2009


I just wanted to say thanks to all who have been praying for my dad. The surgery went well and although the heart was in worse shape than they had originally thought, it's now fixed and it's almost as if he's had a heart transplant! I saw him a bit before they took him down to prep him for surgery this morning and he seemed very tired but not too nervous. I went back right after work and met Amanda at the hospital. I got to see him hooked up to a bunch of IV's and he had all kinds of tubes hooked to him but he looked good. He almost looked as if he was just in a very, very deep sleep and so Amanda and I held his hands and told him we were there. The nurse that is sitting with him is super nice and knowledgeable so it was very comforting that she's there watching over him for us. She answered all my questions and we left him there for the evening. He should be resting for a while now and they will definitely let us know if there are any issues. I'm excited to see him (awake) and to be able to talk with him.

So again, thanks to those of you that have been praying or sending good thoughts our way. I know that my entire family appreciates it!

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